failure 193:
Requirement failed: {vw_scanw.03.02} vw_scanw() return ERR
location |
trace |
/var/opt/lsb/test/olver-core/2013-01-18_15-48-05/ncurses_string_scanf_scenario.utz (ncurses_string_scanf_scenario.utt), line 4191 |
occurence |
scenario |
ncurses_string_scanf_scenario |
specification function |
vw_scanw_spec() |
parameter value |
CallContext context = [pid=3712,thr=b73ff6c0] |
parameter value |
WindowTPtr * @win = <0xb2e4bd4>ptr to struct WindowTPtr { system=0, process=3712, address=142283544 } |
parameter value |
WindowTPtr * win = <0xb2e4bd4>ptr to struct WindowTPtr { system=0, process=3712, address=142283544 } |
parameter value |
CString * @fmt = %16hhi |
parameter value |
CString * fmt = %16hhi |
parameter value |
List * @arguments = < 120 > |
parameter value |
List * arguments = < 120 > |
return value |
(IntT) 1 |
coverage & branch |
pseudo_coverage The only branch |
properties |
REQ failed |
vw_scanw.03.02 |
kind |
similar known bug(s)
According to the standard, upon successful completion, vw_scanw() function from Ncurses
library shall return OK(0), otherwise, it shall return ERR(-1).
But on the target machine, the function vw_scanw() returned 1 when it is called with first argument " %i".
Additional information about this bug may be found at